There are a number of movie theatres in Surat so it might get difficult to choose where to go to enjoy the latest flick. Don’t worry, we have you covered. Here’s a list of top ten movie theatres in Surat.
Top 10 Movie Theatres in Surat
1. Inox Cinemas
Address: 3rd Floor, V R Mall, Magdala Road, Dumas Road, Surat – 395007
Phone: +(91)-261-6795100
2. Cinepolis Cinema
Address: Imperial Square Mall, Pal Hazira Road, Pal Bhatha, Surat– 394510
Phone: +(91)-9726033344
3. D R World Multiplex
Address: Aae Mata Road, ParvatPatia, Behind TVS Auto Point, Aae Mata Chowk,
PunaJakat Naka,Surat – 395010
Phone: +(91)-261-2356416
4. Rajhans Multiplex
Address: Pal Hazira Road, Adajan Road, Surat – 395009
Phone: +(91)-261-2977001
5. PVR Cinemas
Address: 3rd Floor, Rahul Raj Mall, Dumas Road, Surat – 395007
Phone: +(91)-261-4007000
6. Cinemax Cinemas
Address: Center Mall, Opposite Valentine Theater, Near Goverdhan Haveli, Dumas Road,
Surat – 395007
Phone: +(91)-8800900009
7. Valentine Cine Vision Pvt Ltd
Address: Dumas Road, Opposite Iris Mall, Piplod,Surat – 395007
Phone: +(91)-261-2727981
8. Rajhans Cinema
Address: 3rd Floor, Rajhans House,, Opp. Gitanjali Petrol Pump,, Varachha Road, Surat –
Phone: +(91)-0261-250 3041
9. Cityplus Multiplex
Address: Near Magdalla Circle, Opposite L T Colony, Surat Dumas Road, Surat – 395007
Phone: +(91)-261-3042555
10. Kinnary Multiplex
Address: 3/2885,Salabatpura, Ring Road, Surat – 395002
Phone: +(91)-261-2326899
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