Brain dead woman from Surat gives lives to two people by donating organs!

Brain dead woman from Surat gives lives to two people by donating organs!
A family of an old lady from Surat has helped 2 ailing patients by donating her organs after she was declared brain dead by her doctors. When Dr. Sanjay Thummar, found out that his mother will not be able to live again, he immediately decided that he wanted to help those in need by donating her organs. He said that he had read about Cadaver Organ Donations on the information board kept by an NGO Donate Life in the hospital. He called them to understand how Organ donation worked to help save lives. Understanding how he could make a difference in someone else’s lives he became ready to do it.
Smt. Manjulaben Thummar, 48, a housewife from Jejod village in Amreli , was having issues with her mental health. On May 15th she mistakenly ingested some pesticide and was taken to the hospital. As her health deteriorated she was shifted to Mahavir Trauma Centre, Surat where the doctors after several tests declared her brain dead. Her son Dr. Sanjay Thummar and her Husband Dhirubhai Thummar then decided to donate her organs. Two kidneys and two eyes have been successfully donated. The kidneys went to the Institute of kidney disease and research center (IKDRC) in Ahmedabad and they eyes were donated to Lokdrashti Eye Bank in Surat. IKDRC then was successful in transplanting one kidney to a 17 year old girl, Urvija R. Ranjan from Muzaffarnagar, Bihar. The other kidney went to 54 year old Vimlaben Gajera in Ahmedabad.
Dr. Sanjay Thummar, the son said that when he realized that the chances for her mother were non-existent, he would rather donate her organs than let her death be meaningless. This act signifies that there are people out there who are compassionate and rational, and who are willing to take steps to change someone’s lives.
We at BuddyBits, wholeheartedly support cadaver organ donations and would encourage and appreciate such acts. This is how you can help someone, even after you’re gone.

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